Shoot the scene:

Shoot it like a self tape for an audition (reader off camera, neutral background etc). Guides for these can be found all over the internet, this is one: Self Tape Guide

Be sure to slate: Say your name looking directly into the camera at the beginning or end
of the scene. This is the only place there should be an edit in your submission.

Scenes need to be saved using the following naming guide: “Full Name – Month and Year of showcase” E.G: “Marlon Brando – September 2021”

You will be asked to provide a link to your submission using Vimeo or even a shared google drive link. please ensure the link works prior to registration and that it does not expire or is set to “private”. the link should not require a password and we will need to be able to download it if necessary.

All of the above will be needed before you are able to complete the registration form.


This is one of the most important steps. Casting directors expect a certain level of professionalism. You should be off book, dressed to “suggest” the role and have a clear sense of the story, character and relationship to your scene partner. Having an understanding of objectives and tactics in the scene and an active inner life is a must.

Below are samples of some of the most successful auditions from a previous showcase.

Here is an example of the feedback form the judges will be using to assess your work:

if you don’t feel like you are ready to tape just yet, consider some training first.
There are several great institutions and coaches in this city.